Hot off the press: Assessing the suitability of a one-time sampling event for close-kin mark-recapture: A caribou case study

Article Title: Assessing the suitability of a one-time sampling event for close-kin mark-recapture: A caribou case study Abstract: Abundance estimation is frequently an objective of conservation and monitoring initiatives for threatened and other managed populations. While abundance estimation via capture–mark–recapture or spatially explicit capture–recapture is now common, such approaches are logistically challenging and expensive for…

Cory Fournier publishes in Global Ecology and Conservation!!

Article Title: Genetic network analysis uncovers spatial variation in diversity and connectivity of a species presenting a continuous distribution Authors: Cory Fournier, Micheline Manseau, Bridget Redquest, Leon Andrew, Allicia Kelly, Dave Hervieux, Troy Hegel,  Gigi Pittoello, Vicki Trim,  Dennis Brannen & Paul Wilson Abstract: The conservation of genetic diversity and connectivity is essential for the long-term persistence and adaptive ability of a species. Recent calls have been made for the inclusion of genetic diversity and…